Monday, April 28, 2008

Playground at Church

Finally... the playground is open, after the long 9 weeks. Belle loves to play the slide. These are some of the pictures:

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Summer is here.....

It still spring time but it feels a lot like summer. Belle was excited to go swimming with her daddy. She was ready to walk down to the swimming pool:

After an hour of swimming, let's take a look at the picture when she came home.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What are you doing, Belle?

If you are wondering what is Belle doing in these pictures, click on the video (the resolution is not great but at least you have an idea what was she doing then).

Belle's Favorite Food

Belle's favorite food is macaroni and cheese. Recently, she has been helping grandma mixing the cheese and the macaroni altogether. Here are some of the pictures taken by my camera again.