Saturday, April 25, 2009

Belle's Favorite Drink

Wondering what it is? Check it out....

Belle's Hairstyle

Wanna see how Belle looks like when daddy wash her hair at night? Here they are....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Posting from daddy....Things I Learned from My Daughter (Part 1)

Belle will be 4 year old in two months. One thing that I normally do at night is putting her to sleep. Last night, as usual, I read one of her new books On the Night You Were Born and once we're done we ready to say a prayer.

I asked her what she wanted to prayed about. She said that she didn't want to have another dream of the evil queen she watched in Sleeping Beauty movie that just came out few weeks ago. But the problem is that she likes watching it. She watches it every night and twice a day on weekends. She likes the part where the princess Aurora was dragged out of her room by a ghosty green smoke, climbed out her castle and finally touched the spindle spelled by the evil queen.

I told her that if she doesn't want to have another dream about the queen, she should stop watching it. Those scenes sticked to her mind and played over and over again. But she insisted to watch it again despite the fact that I just bought her the Tinker Bell movie (maybe I should stop feeding her fantacies...o)

Isn't that obvious that we often pray to God about something yet we don't play our part of accomplishing what we pray about? We treat prayer as a magical act from God to do what we should be doing at the first place.


Sleeping Beauty Movie

We have been watching this movie every day now. Belle said she likes this movie so much although almost every night she would have a nightmare about Malificent.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bird House

We got a bird house for Belle yesterday. Belle painted the whole house by herself. Here are some pictures of Belle's colorful bird house.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Belle's First Uniform

Belle will be attending a preschool this month. She will be attending Red Hill Lutheran School. These are some of the pictures of her first uniform:

Monday, July 28, 2008

OC Fair 2008

Pictures of Belle at OC Fair 2008, say cheese......

and this is the sculpture made out of sand by the entrance.... pretty cool